Home Transportation Train Time table Hatton railway station train time table

Hatton railway station train time table

Hatton Railway station

Hatton is a railway station situated in the Central province of Sri Lanka, Lots of tourists using this station to visit Adams peak.

Hatton to Nawalapitiya , Kandy and Colombo train time table


Train No Train Name Arrival Departure  Availability  End station
1520 1520 ( Local Trains ) 06:30 05:00
1024 1024 ( Express Train ) 08:38 07:10
1541 1541 ( Mixed Trains ) 10:19 08:38
1016 Udarata Menike ( Express Train ) 11:42 10:39
1006 Podi Menike ( Express Train ) 14:45 13:20
60001 School Vacation Special ( School Vacation ) 15:33 14:29
1008 1008 ( Express Train ) 17:19 16:04
1558 1558 ( Mixed Trains ) 18:06 16:35
1028 1028 ( Local Trains ) 19:08 18:05
1596 1596 ( Mixed Trains ) 21:58 20:34
1582 1582 ( Mixed Trains ) 23:12 21:40
1046 Night Mail ( Express Train ) 01:08 23:43


Hatton to Kotagala Nanuoya and Badulla train timetable

Train No Train Name Arrival Departure  Availability  End Station
1045 Night Mail ( Night Mail Train ) 03:03 01:38
1126 1126 ( Mixed Trains ) 08:54 07:12
1027 1027 ( Local Trains ) 10:55 09:46
1005 Podi Menike ( Express Train ) 12:40 11:14
6000 School Vacation Special ( School Vacation ) 13:38 12:12
1015 Udarata Menike ( Express Train ) 14:45 13:28
1007 1007 ( Express Train ) 15:50 14:30
1159 1159 ( Local Trains ) 17:44 16:03



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